关于迪士尼爱情的语录 关于迪士尼爱情的句子
发布时间: 1/18/2023 4:09:23 PM 来源: 创意操作系统
1、“so this is love. so this is what makes life spanine.”
2、“love always find a way, it’s true.”
3、i was hiding under your porch because i love you.
4、“if my heart keeps singing will my song gowinging to someone, who’ll find me, and bring back a love song to me?”
6、“trust your heart, let fate decide.”

9、“i’ve been dreaming of a true love’s kiss,and a prince i’m hoping comes with this.”
10、有的人值得你去融化 ——《冰雪奇缘》
12、“tale as old as time, tune as old song. bittersweet and strange, finding you can change. learning you were wrong.”

13、“i look at you, and i’m home.”
14、当人们坠入爱河时,他们会变得疯狂 ——《大力士》
17、some people are worth melting for.
18、“people do crazy things… when they’re inlove.”