发布时间: 2/1/2023 4:42:22 PM 来源: 创新产业园
今天美术课上,我画了一幅“嫦娥一号”卫星画 。非常漂亮!
today, in art class, i drew a picture of chang'e-1 satellite. as smart as a new pin!
it has a lunar rover inside and a large solar array on both sides. its biggest feature is that it can carry people inside.
around the satellite are cartoon stars, some singing, some playing.
嫦娥姐姐在月亮上跳舞,玉兔在弹琴。因为她们在欢迎我的“嫦娥一号” 卫星。
chang'e's sister is dancing on the moon, and the jade rabbit is playing the piano. because they are welcoming my chang'e-1 satellite.