发布时间: 2/11/2023 4:07:20 PM 来源: 创新产业园
【例文】recently, we have made a survey of the people on physical training. only 35 percent of the people surveyed have taken part in physical activities.over half of the people say they haven’t got enough time to take exercises. 34.9 percent of them complain they don’t have places where they can relax themselves and that there are not enough training facilities, while another 12.9 percent of the people feel that they live too far away from the training centers. some of them even don’t know how to train.for lack of physical training, many people are not in good health. people should realize the importance of it, and measures should be taken to provide people with training facilities.【译文】最近,我们提出了对体育锻炼的人的调查。只有35的受访民众曾经参与体育活动的一部分。超过半数的人说,他们已经没有足够的时间采取演习。其中百分之34.9抱怨他们没有地方可以放松自己,并没有足够的训练设施,而另一百分之12.9的人认为他们生活太远的训练中心。他们中有些人甚至不知道如何培养。对于缺乏体育锻炼,许多人并不健康状况良好。人们应该意识到它的重要性,并应采取措施,以提供训练设施的人。