state和status的区别 state与states的区别
发布时间: 8/3/2023 1:07:44 PM 来源: 孤者何惧
state和status的区别 state与states的区别
2、 Status:用在人的身上一般是其身份和地位,作“状态,情形”讲时,多指政治和商业。
3、 state noun 状态 condition of sb/sth 1、[C]状态;状况;情况 the mental, emotional or physical condition that a person or thing is in a confused state of mind 思绪纷乱 He was in a state of permanent depression. 他一直处于消沉状态。
4、 anxieties about the state of the country's economy 对于国家经济状况的担忧 The building is in a bad state of repair (= needs to be repaired) . 那座房子年久失修。
5、 She was in a state of shock . 她震惊不已。
6、 (BrE,informal)Look at the state of you! You can't go out looking like that. 看看你这副样子!你可不能就这么出去。

7、 You're not in a fit state to drive. 你现在的状态不宜开车。
8、 note atcondition 国家 country 2、also State [C]国家 a country considered as an organized political community controlled by one government the Baltic States 波罗的海诸国 European Union member states 欧盟成员国 see alsocity state,nation state,police state,welfare state note atcountry 国家的一部分 part of country 3、also State [C](abbr. St.)州;邦 an organized political community forming part of a country the states of Victoria and Western Australia 维多利亚和西澳大利亚两州 the southern states of the US 美国南方各州 政府 government 4、also the State [U,sing.]政府 the government of a country matters/affairs of state 国家大事 people who are financially dependent on the state 依靠国家救济的人 a state-owned company 国有公司 They wish to limit the power of the State. 他们希望限制政府权力。
9、 正式礼仪 official ceremony 5、[U](国家元首或政府首脑享受的)正式礼仪,隆重仪式 the formal ceremonies connected with high levels of government or with kings and queens The president was driven in state through the streets. 总统乘车隆重地从街上穿过。
10、 美国 the US 6、the States [pl.](informal)美国 the United States of America I've never been to the States. 我从未去过美国。
11、 status noun [usually sing.] 1、[U,C]法律地位(或身份) the legal position of a person, group or country They were granted refugee status. 他们获得了难民身份。
12、 The party was denied legal status. 那个党没有获得合法地位。
13、 2、[U,C,usually sing.]地位;身份;职位 the social or professional position of sb/sth in relation to others low status jobs 地位低下的工作 to have a high social status 拥有很高的社会地位 Women are only asking to be given equal status with men. 妇女只是要求得到和男人平等的地位。

14、 She achieved celebrity status overnight. 她一夜之间成为名流。
15、 3、[U]高级职位;社会上层地位 high rank or social position The job brings with it status and a high income. 担任这一职务既有显贵的地位又有丰厚的收入。
16、 4、[U,C,usually sing.]重视(或崇尚)程度 the level of importance that is given to sth the high status accorded to science in our culture 我们的文化对科学的高度崇尚 5、[U](进展的)状况,情形 the situation at a particular time during a process What is the current status of our application for funds? 我们申请资金目前进展状况如何? 。